We Are Out Of Time – June 17th Hal Turner Radio Show

This subscription of $25 a month is how folks can support the radio show and keep free speech alive. Shock Jock Hal Turner Says Government Will Hear His Wrath In New Radio Show Nj Com
We Are OUT OF TIME – and likely to be Hit by Russia in a large military strike. PREPARE while you can.

Turner recounts historical facts why he feels Russia will strike CONUS to ‘stop America’s ability to make war if NATO declares Article 5. Believes the spark will be F16’s flown by NATO pilots from NATO bases to hit targets in Russian territory. Anticipates strikes in CONUS will be limited to military targets at first, resulting in nationwide martial law. “Be prepared to live off what you have for at least a couple three months or you’re dead”.


Food for thought if the system stops self correcting…


1 thought on “We Are Out Of Time – June 17th Hal Turner Radio Show

  1. Joe Blow

    What a fucking idiot…. Obviously a state shill.

    Russia will do nothing in the united states. They don’t need to in order to harm the US.
    What WILL happen, is the US three letter agency traitors will initiate another incident on domestic soil like they did on 9/11/01, and they’ll blame it on the Russians. Like they did the camel jockeys, who they immediately went to war with. Huh.

    The talking heads on Tee vee will go into spin mode, your patriotism will be maligned it you even attempt to question the government approved narrative, which Stevie Wonder can see is horseshit, and retaliatory acts will be commenced before cooler heads can prevail, thus ensuring WW3 goes hot before the crimes of the last decade are revealed. Everything gets swept under the rug of “Patriotism”.

    …. but yeah, Putler’s gonna sarmat Indiana.. What a fucking moron! How in the fuck does a dipshit like this cock gobbler get a platform? Oh yeah, that’s right, he’s a shill for the powers that be! Derp! Go ahead, keep re-porting government sponsored propaganda.



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