Brain Damages after COVID mRNA Vaccines: Pfizer Knew of 44,000 Injured since 2020!

There is now abundant evidence that the synthetic lipid nanoparticles travel into the brain and install the genetic code (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. As this protein is produced and accumulates in the brain, it can cause inflammation and also fold into an amyloid plaque. Thus, there is strong rationale for some vaccine recipients to develop mild cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s like dementia, and other forms of neurocognitive decline.


COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive quantities of
bacterial DNA: evidence and implications

5. Conclusion

The presence of contaminating plasmid DNA in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines entails severe health risks, in addition to those which were already known and understood. Preeminent among these risks are the prolonged expression of spike protein, which may lead to correspondingly prolonged and more destructive autoimmune-like inflammation, and the induction of malignant disease after chromosomal integration of the plasmid DNA. Furthermore, the sheer scale of the contamination proves conclusively that the manufacturers have not mastered or properly implemented the designed production processes. Each of these issues alone would be reason enough to demand the immediate withdrawal of these vaccines.

Source: WRSA

2 thoughts on “Brain Damages after COVID mRNA Vaccines: Pfizer Knew of 44,000 Injured since 2020!

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