Monthly Archives: October 2023

Humanity’s Future Envisioned by Messianic Cabalists

There can be no ‘peaceful’ co-existence with types such as these individuals and groups whose ‘aura’, whose ‘life energy’, whose VERY ESSENCE AND CONTINUED SURVIVAL is existentially plugged into the business of draining away/feeding off of the life energy of others. Like vampires that exist only by drinking the lifeblood of their victims, there can be no ‘live and let live’ with these types any more than there can be ‘friendship’ between the deer who drinks at the river’s edge and the crocodile hiding beneath the waterline and moving closer to his hoped-for meal, slowly, inch by inch.

Keeping Up With RFK Jr.

Within the past four months…
For reparations.
For affirmative action.
For assault weapon bans.
Sides with tribe who murdered his father and uncle. 

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Health Canada Confirms COVID Vaxxines Contaminated With SV40

(Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.) In what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

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Arkansas First State To Force Chinese Company To Give Up Farm Land

America’s enemies are on the march. They are smart, they are brutal, and they will stop at nothing to harm our country.  Arkansas is the first state in the country to fight back and kick a Chinese-owned company off our farmland.

Organizers In The Capital: “Jews Say Cease Fire Now”, “Not In Our Name”

“IDF Killed Everyone, Even Hostages” Survivor TELLS ALL!
This single presentation lays the whole truth out.

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Black Flag Raised Over Imam Reza First Time Ever

From my trad heritage American whiskey tango perch, this looks like israel’s 911, aka ‘Inside Job’ is either going as planned or these babylonian radhanite merchant banker pilgrim pukes posing as fleshy descendants of hebrews and Shem face being dressed down by their neighbors.

Could and should care less except for my cost of living going up to finance banker wars and their COVID-19 great re[S]hit. 

“IDF Killed Everyone, Even Hostages” Survivor TELLS ALL!

Today on CrossTalk News, Edward and Lauren translate the Israeli village survivor’s groundbreaking interview, who reveals what REALLY happened during the Hamas attack. She states that everyone was massacred by Israeli special forces, including her friends and family. Do not miss this very important episode… this changes everything. Continue reading

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Arrested at German Consulate in Mexico

Outspoken lawyer against CV19 bioweapons.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich Arrested at German Consulate in Mexico

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Presents The Berlin Corona Committee Update
About Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity – September 2021

Dr. David Martin: Extensive, Irrefutable Evidence
SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Isn’t Novel or Zoonotic

Opening Statement: Mock Trial COVID-19
Crimes Against Humanity

CONFIRMED: Netanyahu Ordered Israeli Military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS During Hamas Invasion

Will Bibi get to keep his job if he was just following orders from the WEF?

…because levying ‘collective punishment’ against Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza, an open air concentration camp run by Israel is a war crime and crime against humanity.


David Livingstone- Globalists & the Creation of the Wahhabi/Hamas Terrorism

Beyond False Flag Israel – TLC Murray Situation Report

If you want to change the world, then stop tolerating the intolerable. Resist, complain, detach, scream, fight, withdraw — or simply refuse to participate. Put bad people on the defensive and demand THEY explain why THEY are such terrible people. Doing all this, becoming UNGOVERNABLE, may or may not change the world. But it will definitely change YOUR world.

Keeping Up With The Bidens

Married Frank Biden Comes Out on Queer Hookup Site

Not that there’s anything wrong with it. Except morally. And Biblically. And in terms of evolutionary fitness.

Joe Biden’s brother Jim is tied to fraud scheme where he allegedly used $125,000 in ‘business loans’ for personal expenses


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One Health Update – Alex Newman

The Great Reset is bypassing constitutional limits on government with emergency powers to make the once free West imitate Chinese style, single party authoritarianism. This segment focuses on the coordinated transnational war against small farmers and what we can do locally to resist tyranny with them.


Joe Biden’s Energy Czar Exposed In
Bribery / Corruption Scams.

Biden Expert Vaccine Adviser Paul Offit Refuses 4th COVID Shot Over Heart Failure Concerns

I can’t imagine what he must feel like watching people drop dead suddenly every day knowing he might have the same poison flowing through his veins.
COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds.

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