Radio Contra: A Hard Look at The Border Invasion

From 1.73. Speed control just above center status bar.

What do you expect after putting a Satanic cult in charge of everything?

‘You need not be a Jew to be Zionist,’ US President Biden says.
K.J.B 🤷‍♀️
This war isn’t about Nazis. It’s about Zionist world supremacy.

The State will not die easy! Anyone who tells you so is likely selling you snake oil while fishing for a monthly donation to their feel-good cause. The State will thrash about, wail, and strike out at anything it can reach before it dies. It will eat its own children and burn its own house before it accepts its demise. Make no mistake; the death of The Beast will be an ugly sight to behold. When it dies its death will burn a memory in the minds of humans that they will not quickly forget. The death pangs of The Great Dragon will scar, not only humanity, but the Earth itself in such a manner that a thousand years of erosion will not heal the wounds, and the longer we put off this fight the more powerful the Beast becomes and the more devastating those wounds will be. 

The State, for some 600 generations, has taught humans to act like a herd rather than individuals. We see the predator grab one of us and rather than brave men and women instantly falling upon the predator, beating him senseless, we pull back and bleat or run away. We close our curtains. We change lanes. We blame the victim. But there are some that are slowly remembering who we are. There are those among us who are remembering that we are not a herd to be sheared or eaten. We are individuals capable of empathy for our fellow humans, and we are beginning to stand up to the predators.


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