Monthly Archives: December 2021

China Panic Hoards Half Of World’s Grain Supply Amid Threats Of Collapse

About two and a half years ago, ZeroHedge told readers China was panic hoarding food, which was several months before the virus plandemic began to spread worldwide; Beijing has since managed to stockpile more than half of the world’s maize and other grains that have resulted in rapid food inflation and triggered famine in some countries.  Continue reading

Planned Systematic Dismantling Of Global Food Supply Chains Accelerate

As the unv’d are locked out of farmers markets and grocery stores, so too are unv’d farmers precluded from selling their grains. Ministers who warn of impending food shortages are promptly removed from office. The mainstream food supply is now in full collapse, and we must be creating ALTERNATIVE local food supplies with our families and friends.


China Panic-Hoards Half Of World’s Grain Supply Amid Threats Of Collapse

CA Nurses Report ‘Overwhelming’ Surge of Strokes, Aneurysms and Heart Attacks Among The Vaxxed

(World Tribune) Nurses in Ventura County, California are blowing the whistle on an alarming rise in heart problems, strokes, and blood clotting in vaccinated patients, adding that doctors refuse to consider the problems could be adverse reactions to COVID shots, a report said.

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Video Compilation Of Original Vaccine Narrative (aka promises), Early 2021

Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

You haven’t seen the depth of Biden’s dementia until you’ve seen this:

COVID-19 ‘Variant’ Pandemic Of The Vaccinated

(Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.) American corporate media love catchphrases that they all repeat in unison, across network and cable television and through social media. One recent example is “viral blizzard” referring to the omicron variant of COVID. A search of Google News for “viral blizzard” demonstrates how in the past several days, myriad media outlets used the term in scaremongering headlines.

Another similar phrase made the rounds this past summer, “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” attributed to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. At the time, it was believed that only the unvaccinated were transmitting, catching, and getting sick from COVID.

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IMF, World Bank & 10 Countries Held Alarming “Simulation” Of Global Financial System Collapse

Earlier this month Reuters produced a report which didn’t receive nearly enough attention among the American public – its contents would be sure to alarm most people concerned with the outbreak of yet more ‘global catastrophes’. At the very least it’s curious timing: amid the recent pandemic induced disruption in global supply chains, powerful nations and banking institutions decided to get together to run a global economic collapse scenario

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Welcome To The Internet Of Bodies

This isn’t financing both sides of nations fighting each other to reduce populations like WW1, 2 & 3, with 3 being the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the elite using proxy governments they control to wage global fourth generation warfare against their respective citizens throughout the world, with the stated goal of bringing chosen survivors under a single collectivist state as their slaves.

Drag Queens Then and Now

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deut 22:5)

(YNightingale) “Drag Queen Story Hour has been a perversion plaguing public libraries and schools around the nation for several years but what about Drag Queen prayer time for children during Sunday morning worship at church?

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Biden Doubles Down on Vaccine Mandate, Claims He Must Destroy American Liberty to Save People

First it starts with a suggestion, next it becomes a nudge, a push, a shove. Then it becomes a law, a jail sentence, a felony, prison time. Until finally: they just start executing people…

(Sundance) The White House occupant is a notoriously unlikeable man of intemperate disposition. Amid his unstable moments of anger and bitterness toward those who he now describes as “unpatriotic people” who are refusing his vaccine mandate, Biden doubled down in his position:

Austrian Government Hires Vaccination “Hunters” to Track Down those Inhabitants Who Have Not Had Their Fauci Vaccine

De Blasio Bribes New Yorkers: A Vaccination Team Can Come to Your House, Give Everyone in Your Family a Jab – And $100! (VIDEO)

Colorado and New York Support Adding Booster Shot to the Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Australian Front Line Nurses Describe Endless COVID-19 Injection Injury Horrors (video)

‘I’ve seen suffering amongst people on a level that I’ve never seen before. In the last week, I went to my 13th death or cardiac arrest and subsequent death post the vaccine’ – Paramedic, Queensland Ambulance Service

Watch the full film here. A series of transcribed and representative quotations follow.

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Pfizer And Moderna Thawed: Warmed Vials Become “Alive” Self-Moving Organism

A group of South Korean doctors have banded together and now call themselves the “Korea Veritas Doctors for COVID-19”. They have secured partial vials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and upon close observation they claim to have observed “moving organisms.” Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss.

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Dr. Stanley Monteith: The Forbidden Secret (2007)

Dr. Stanley Monteith was a legend and pioneer in exposing secret societies. He was ahead of his time.

Knowledge is power and clarity is freedom. And it’s only when we truly know what we are up against, that we are able to make the choices that keep us living life as the Sovereign Infinite Creator Beings we truly are.

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Latest Teen Sexual ‘Predator’ At CNN Identified As Jake Tapper’s Producer

(WND) After being inundated with requests from numerous journalists, Project Veritas is finally releasing the name of the latest CNN producer embroiled in a disturbing sex scandal, allegedly openly fantasizing to others about sex with young teen girls, as well as soliciting nude images of teenagers.

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Pending New York Legislation Authorizes Needle Rape, Indefinite Detention of Un-Fully-Vaccinated at Governor’s Whim

Update 12/21/2021: New York Lawmaker Pulls Public Health Detainment Bill, Blames ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

(Kay Smythe) On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis. Continue reading

Columbia Study: True U.S. COVID Vaxx Death Count Is 400,000

The CDC’s latest count of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines exceed 20,000, yet a study by researchers at Columbia University estimates the actual number is 20 times higher.

C-SPAN: Joe Biden laughs as he walks away from a reporter’s questions about the high COVID death rate and lack of transparency on investigating China’s involvement.

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Millions of Refugees Can’t Get Vaccinated Where Drug Dealers, NGO’s are Liable for Injury, Death

A global program designed to offer vaccines to tens of millions of migrants has been holding back on jabs because major manufacturers and the NGOs fear lawsuits over harmful side effects, according to Reuters, citing internal documents from Gavi – the charity operating the program.

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Mother Exposes Institutional LGBTQ Grooming In California Schools

(Brad Jones) The teacher told Konen her daughter was “trans fluid.” “I sat across the table, and I was crying. I was trying to absorb everything.” “They kept looking at me angrily because I kept saying ‘she,’ and that it was going to take me time to time to process everything,” she said. “I was very confused. … I was very upset. I was blindsided—completely blindsided.”

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How Hospitals Cash In On Government COVID-19 Incentive Pay to Destroy Your Health

(Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D.) Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

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Liberty Or Secession Now

They have no rules, they have no limits on their desire for power and they have no concern for your welfare or that of your family. They will lie, cheat and use whatever means necessary to destroy you.

There is nothing more they can threaten us with that is worse than what they demand we acquiesce too. We’ve got nothing left to lose. It’s time for secession.

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Dr. Peter McCullough Drops The COVID-19 Punchline For Joe Rogan

COVID-19 is an acronym for Certification Of Vaccination Identification – Artificial Intelligence, with (a) being the first letter of the alphabet and (i) the ninth.

Truth Of War: You Get The Conflict You Get, Not The One You Imagine, And Then You Do What Has To Be Done To Survive and WIN IT.

YouTube Censors Bombshell Joe Rogan Interview With Cardiologist Peter McCullough

Why Are Heavily ‘Vaccinated’ Northeastern States Struggle With Surging Hospitalizations?

Fortunately, Pfizer is just about ready to roll out its new COVID (Ivermectin knockoff) pill, because case numbers are rising rapidly in the northeastern US, a part of the country that was previously overlooked because of high vaccination rates and relatively low COVID numbers. But now, emergency rooms across the region, which includes much of the Empire State, as well as the six states that comprise New England, are overflowing, while infection rates soar.

Could the vaccines be the virus?

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Postpartum Nurse: ‘Vaxxed Moms Delivering Injured, Dead Babies Spike Across America’

This unnamed guest is a nurse and has been for fifteen years. She currently practices in her hospital’s postpartum unit, where she cares for newborn infants. She says she’s seen disturbing things among the newborns born to vaccinated moms. Here’s a partial list: heart murmurs, unusually red skin, jaundice, and shrunken genitals in male infants. She joins Stew Peters to discuss.

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After They Modify You, They Own You

Are the jabbed no longer legally human because their DNA is irreversibly modified, making them synthetic lifeforms owned by Luciferian patent holders?

International law attorney Todd Callender returns to SGT Report to drop critical truth bombs and kick both sides of this argument around, as judges mull over the fate of GMO jab takers in courts today.

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Germany, Austria Revert to Third Reich Segregation Tactics

(Ty & Charlene Bollinger) Comparisons of COVID restrictions to Nazi Germany have not been exaggerated, as nations impose harsh restrictions on the unvaccinated and move closer to national mandates. In Germany, unvaccinated people will be banned from accessing all but the most essential businesses, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, announced Thursday, following crisis talks with regional leaders.

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We Are Very Close Now – We Need To Get Back To Normal

Sometimes, it’s hard to see what’s right in front of your face – mostly because you don’t want to see it.

Because it’s so hard (for a decent person) to believe it. That such a thing is even possible. The hare freezes at the sight of the fox. It hopes the fox doesn’t see him.

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And Now, The New Normal Childhood

They know children are going to start dropping from heart attacks and strokes left and right after the shot, so they’re running ad campaigns that make it look like it was always that way. Normies will accept this messaging and say “Oh, kids have strokes” and not even give it a second thought. These signs shows the future. The people behind the shot know what is going to happen.


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Los Angeles 911 Dispatcher Describes Dramatic Increase In Vaxxident Calls

Experienced dramatic increase in chest pain, seizure and neurological accident calls. 35% of 27 city departments are vaxxed, 27% have joined the lawsuit against illegal mandates, coerced consent, fired without due process. “Degraded service modes” have resulted in a threat to public and employee safety.

Informative interview, from the 4 minute mark.

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‘Feudal’ Wealth Inequality Created By Central Banks Is Ruining The World | Sven Henrich

Through their distortion of market prices which disproportionately benefits the rich and their creation of inflation which disproportionally hurts the middle & poorer classes, central banks the world have created severe wealth inequality that is approaching levels not seen the the feudal system of the middle ages.

Billionaire Biontech CEO, Ugur Sahin: “I Am NOT Legally Allowed To Take My Own Vaccine”

They have no rules, they have no limits on their desire for power and they have no concern for your welfare or that of your family. They will lie, cheat and use whatever means necessary to destroy you.

There is nothing more they can threaten us with that is worse than what they demand we acquiesce too. We’ve got nothing left to lose. Resist. 


Video: Pfizer CEO Says He Won’t Get Vaccinated

Researchers Develop Wireless Network Brain Control Through The Internet

Summary: A new system that combines neural implants (wireless nanocensors) with the internet of things can remotely control the brain circuits of numerous animals across the globe simultaneously and independently via the web.

World Wide Control of Neural System: Remote control of brain circuits through the Internet. Credit: KAIST
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Robert E. Lee Statue to Be Melted For Scrap

Despite Proposal of $100,000 to Buy the Robert E. Lee Statue, Charlottesville City Council Votes Unanimously to Award Monument to African American History Museum So They Can Melt It Down

Humiliating a conquered people… this is what Bolsheviks do.[Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue will be melted down by city’s African American history museum, Washington Post, December 7, 2021]:
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German Family Of 5 Suicide Murder Over Green Pass, Jab Mandate

They have no rules, they have no limits on their desire for power and they have no concern for your welfare or that of your family. They will lie, cheat and use whatever means necessary to destroy you.

There is nothing more they can threaten us with that is worse than what they demand we acquiesce too. We’ve got nothing left to lose. It’s time to resist.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Claim That Pfizer’s EUA “Vaccine” And Comirnaty Are “Interchangeable”

What’s preventing ALL federal judges and elected legislators from associating EUA Covid-19 medical mandates with coerced consent, by citing Nuremberg Codes, and having all the perpetrators tried, and hung?

If that was good enough for the Third Reich, why not the Fourth?

(Ethan Huff) U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida has ruled that Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” bearing emergency use authorization (EUA) is not interchangeable with the company’s new Comirnaty injection, which was fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in August.

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How Traditional Western Culture Survives

Never join the collective or let their occult capture your children.
STOP EVADING CONTROVERSY: That’s Where The Battle For Freedom Is!

(Alice Salles) Parents across America were caught unprepared for the mass closure of government schools in 2020. Soon after, however, many decided they and their children had had enough of the status quo. Now at a crossroads, will they choose reform or repudiation?

The wave of ill-advised school shutdowns last year compelled tens of thousands of parents to rethink their children’s education. When the classroom was virtually forced into their homes via Zoom, parents realized just how abysmal the curricula and tutelage were. Statistics on families fleeing to homeschooling must be worrying the education establishment.

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America Is Ripe For a Pogrom

Just as the Central Banker financed plandemic genocide will continue to press forward in the face of egregious Nuremberg Code violations; more than enough legislators and members of the courts have been captured by the establishment to ensure Viceroy Xiden ain’t going anywhere… until the American people decide to clean house with a good old fashioned Pogrom.

Don’t you get it? It’s so simple ~ Yet complex. Like a Meritage wine.

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Graphene “Razor Blades” Discovered In The COVID Kill Shots

The good Doctor ANDREAS NOACK gave a presentation speculating that Graphene (Hydr)oxide ‘razor blades’ are damaging blood vessels, causing people to “bleed to death on the inside.” The faster the blood moves, the greater the damage. Blood moves fast while on the pitch or fighting commies. 

Timeline 1) Doc gives presentation 2) Gestapo raids his flat 3) Doc is now dead


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LA County Sheriff Boots China-Linked Covid Testing Firm After FBI Warns Over DNA Data

Uninitiated be like “I don’t care because my DNA isn’t doing anything wrong”

LA  County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has notified the LA County Board of Supervisors that LASD will not work with a China-linked genetics firm hired by the county to conduct Covid-19 testing and registration, after the FBI shared “very concerning information” about Fulgent Genetics Corporation – which was awarded a no-bid contract for the work.

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